Thursday 23 February 2012

Epic Meal Time

Now I'm a fan of meat as other person (who isn't vegeterian obviously!) but I came across this youtube video the other day that even I found hard to stomach... check it out below:

TurBacon (NSFV - Not Suitable For Vegeterians)

Could you imagine eating that? I can't imagine it even tasting that nice if I'm honest! They have some other videos though, check that out at their website.

Then, through link hopping (damn YouTube links) I found out about Man Vs Food which looks like quite a good show. It's about this man, Adam Richman who goes around America trying out various food challenges. Those Americans do sure like their food though... Take a look at the gigantic burger made in Detroit:
Although I'm pretty sure that wasn't one of Adam's challenges!

Sunday 19 February 2012

2012 Movies

So we're half way through the second month of 2012 now, and I'm quite a big movie fan. What films are people looking forward to this year? Let me know in the comments section as there might be some films I didn't know where due to come out this year! :)

One of my most anticipated movies is coming out this year, 4th May. Quite frankly, it couldn't get here sooner! I found out about this movie some time ago now, with all the easter egg cameos at the end of movie credits and have been patiently waiting for it ever since. I mean come on... all those superheroes in ONE film? This is probably every superhereo fan's dream, can you guess what film I'm on about yet?

Its Marvel's The Avengers of course! Check out the trailers if you haven't already:

 Let's just hope this lives up to all the hype :)

Here are some more films I looking forward to this year (click the name for the trailer):

Thursday 16 February 2012

Ken Block

Most of you have probably know or heard about Ken Block, if not then at least seen the unique designs on his cars. For those of you who have no idea who he is, he's a rally driver and one of the reasons hes become so famous is due to his gymkhana videos, check them out below.
They're quite long though so if you don't have much time I recommend 3 and 4, they get progressively better in my opinion. A lot of people don't like the fact he ditched Subarus for Fords, but the Fiesta he drives now is MUCH faster and lighter than his Imprezas, not to mention the shorter wheel base which lets him perform even more impressive stunts/drifts.
Now he may not be the best rally driver, but he sure does know how to pull off some stunts and his videos have great entertainment value. In fact, Ken is one of the main reasons I got into Dirt 3, which lets you have a go at his Gymkhana tricks yourself with his car.
His latest car is very impressive though, most rally drivers require two cars for the parts of rallying, Stage rally and Rallycross. Ken's new car, the 'The Hybrid Function Hoon Vehicle' is good for both the rally parts including Gymkhana as well! Minor adjustments need to made to the car, but Ken is essentially still in the same car. Check out the promotional video.

Now back to the reason I even made this post, check out my hot wheels find :)
It's nowhere near a perfect replica, but for a £1 its pretty good! If only they put the white stripe in the alloys...

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Final Fantasy HD

Any Final Fantasy fans out there? Recently heard some exciting news about a remaster...

Disappointly though, its most probably NOT the one you all want. No, its not Final Fantasy VII :( We can only carry on hoping they will eventually come to their senses!

This is a iconic cutscene from the game they are remastering:

Yep, they're remaking Final Fantasy X. Now, it wasn't a bad looking game to being with, so I don't really think it deems a remake (then again, that's probably why they choose to remake X and not one of the earlier ones).

Now don't get me wrong, I am very excited for this remake for three reasons:
  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this game, and spent many, many hours playing this game as a child. 
  2. The aeons looked great back then, I can only imagine how much better they will be in HD.
  3. Finally, this will be avaliable for the PS3, but more importantly the PS Vita!

Final Fantasy X on a handheld console? I think that alone will be the reason I would get a PS Vita.

source: gameinformer

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Those of you who were kids in the 90's will most probably remember this guy....

Look familiar...?

It's Tom, the icon from Toonami! (1997-2008) I remember running home from school everyday to come watch this channel, had all my favourite shows playing and was a big part of my childhood. Pretty sure this channel is what introduced me to a lot of my favourite anime's such as Dragonball Z.

Then all of sudden, one day... it was just gone :(

However, how many of you know about this? I sure didn't until today!

Saturday 11 February 2012

My 1st Post

So today... I start my blog. Not really too sure what this will be about yet though?

Most probably just my interests and hobbies in life!

For now, here's a photo of one of my favourite 2012 cars, Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4. Well its really a photo of one of my favourite bits about it anyways, the rear. The front is a pretty standard looking lamborghini but they did wonders with the rear, which is good because if you ever saw one, it would most probably just be the rear of one!